Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya UK Maranatha

Bachelor Programme in English Curriculum

Bachelor Programme in English Curriculum

Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Maranatha Christian University


The curriculum of the Bachelor Programme in English has adopted an Outcome-Based Education system that emphasizes achieving certain abilities acquired in the learning process.

Related information on the curriculum can be found in the following link to the bachelor programme academic handbook



Learning Outcome:


LO 1:     demonstrate proficiency in English as marked by attainment equivalent to CEFR level B2

LO 2:     apply appropriate theories and principles to translate general texts from English to

Indonesian and vice versa, both orally and in written.

LO 3:     apply appropriate teaching methods to teach English as a foreign language.

LO 4:     create a scientific research on literature, culture, or linguistics.



LO 5:     analyze literary works and cultural phenomena by using the appropriate theory / approach.

LO 6:     create cultural and literary products with proper techniques.

LO 7:     analyze literary and nonliterary texts with linguistic concepts and theories.

LO 8:     create articles, blogs, reviews, speeches, advertisements in English with the linguistic




LO 9:     display a professional commitment to social, national, religious, ethical practice on a daily



Below is the curriculum table of the Bachelor Programme in English

Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 101 Pronunciation 4 (6.68)
ED 103 Appreciative Reading 2 (3.34)
ED 105 Appreciative & Accurate Listening 2 (3.34)
ED 107 Grammar: Basic Principles about Parts of Speech 2 (3.34)
ED 109 Sentence & Paragraph Writing 2 (3.34)
ED 017 Pancasila (National Ideology) 2 (3.34)
MK 060 Fenomenologi Agama (Phenomen0logy of Religion)  

2 (3.34)

MK 062 Pendidikan Agama Kristiani (Christian Religion Education)
MK 039 Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) 2 (3.34)
ED 403 Indonesian Culture 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 20 (33.4)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 102 Rhythm & Intonation 2 (3.34)
ED 104 Factual Reading 2 (3.34)
ED 106 Selective & Gist Listening 2 (3.34)
ED 110 Grammar: Basics of Sentence Construction 2 (3.34)
ED 108 Narrative & Descriptive Writing 2 (3.34)
ED 112 Introduction to Linguistics 2 (3.34)
ED 114 Survey of English Literature 2 (3.34)
ED 116 Introduction to ELT 2 (3.34)
ED 118 Preparation for Conversation 2 (3.34)
MK 024 Kewarganegaraan (Civics) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 20 (33.4)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 201 Scientific Reading 2 (3.34) ED 103, ED 104
ED 203 Combo Listening 2 (3.34) ED 105, ED 106
ED 210 Grammar: Verb Patterns 2 (3.34) ED 107, ED 110
ED 205 Writing for Specific Purposes 2 (3.34) ED 109, ED 108
ED 207 Phonology & Morphology 2 (3.34) PM ED 112
ED 209 Theory of Prose 2 (3.34)
ED 211 Survey of American Literature 2 (3.34)
ED 213 Learning Styles & Strategies 2 (3.34) PM ED 116
ED 215 Methods & Approaches in ELT 2 (3.34) PM ED 116
ED 217 British Culture and Institution 2 (3.34)
ED 219 Daily Conversation 2 (3.34) PM ED 118
Total SKS/Total Credit 22 (36.74)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 202 Critical & Reflective Reading 2 (3.34) ED 103, ED 104
ED 204 Critical & Argumentative Listening 2 (3.34) ED 105, ED 106
ED 220 Grammar: Noun Patterns 2 (3.34) ED 210
ED 206 Argumentative & Reflective Writing 2 (3.34) ED 109, ED 108
ED 208 Functional Grammar 2 (3.34) PM ED 112
ED 212 Semantics 2 (3.34) PM ED 112, PM ED 207
ED 214 Theory of Drama & Poetry 2 (3.34) PM ED 209
ED 216 Lesson Planning 2 (3.34) ED 116, PM ED 213, PM ED 215
ED 218 Argumentative Conversation 2 (3.34) PM ED 219
SB 203 Dasar Filsafat (Basic Philosopohy) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 20 (33.4)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 310 Grammar: Adjective Patterns 2 (3.34) ED 210, ED 220
ED 301 Formal Conversation 2 (3.34) ED 219, ED 218
ED 303 Theatre Production 4 (6.68)  PM ED 219, PM ED 214
ED 305 American Culture & Institution 2 (3.34)
ED 307 Introduction to Cultural Studies 2 (3.34)
ED 309 Critical Essay Writing 2 (3.34) ED 205, ED 206
ED 311 Contemporary Novel 2 (3.34) PM ED 209
ED 313 Contemporary Poetry 2 (3.34) PM ED 214
ED 315 Contemporary Drama 2 (3.34) PM ED 214
ED 335 Translation: Principle and Awareness 2 (3.34) ED 202, ED 220
Total SKS/Total Credit 22 (36.74)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 320 Grammar: Connecting Ideas 2 (3.34) PM ED 310
ED 302 Translation: Style (English-Indonesian Translation) 2 (3.34) ED 335
ED 304 Conversation for Business Purposes 2 (3.34) ED 219, ED 218
ED 308 Classical Novel 2 (3.34) PM ED 311
ED 312 Classical Poetry 2 (3.34) PM ED 313
ED 314 Classical Drama 2 (3.34) PM ED 315
ED 405 Critical Theories 2 (3.34) PM ED 209, PM ED 214
ED 306 Film Studies 2 (3.34)
Total Credits 16 (26.72)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 401 Translation: Style (Indonesian-English Translation) 2 (3.34) ED 335
SB 301 History of Modern Thought 2 (3.34) PM SB 203
MK 052 Komputer (Computer) 2 (3.34)
MK 061 Etika (Ethics) 2 (3.34)
ED 410 Proposal Seminar Sastra (Literature Seminar Proposal) 4 (6.68) ED 311, ED 313, ED 315, ED 310, PM ED 309, PM ED 405
MK Pilihan 1 (Elective Course 1) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 14 (23.38)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 402 Interpreting 2 (3.34) ED 302, ED 401
TA 440 Skripsi (Sastra) (Major Thesis- Literature) 6 (10.02) ED 410, English subjects sem I-VI except ED 320
TA 220 Tugas Akhir (Sastra) (Minor Thesis-Literature) 4 (6.68) ED 410, English subjects sem I-V
MK Pilihan 2 (Elective Course 2) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 10 (16.7)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 310 Grammar: Adjective Patterns 2 (3.34) ED 210, ED 220
ED 301 Formal Conversation 2 (3.34) ED 219, ED 218
ED 303 Theatre Production 4 (6.68) PM ED 219, PM ED 214
ED 305 American Culture & Institution 2 (3.34)
ED 317 Academic Writing 2 (3.34) ED 205, ED 206
ED 319 Pragmatics 2 (3.34) ED 212
ED 321 Discourse Analysis 3 (5.01) ED 212
ED 323 Sociolinguistics 3 (5.01) ED 212
ED 335 Translation: Principle and Awareness 2 (3.34) ED 202, ED 220
Total SKS/Total Credit 22 (36.74)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 320 Grammar: Connecting Ideas Ì 2 (3.34) PM ED 310
ED 302 Translation: Style (English-Indonesian Translation) 2 (3.34) ED 335
ED 314 Conversation for Business Purposes 2 (3.34) ED 219, ED 218
ED 316 Stylistics 3 (5.01) PM ED 319, PM ED 321, PM ED 323
ED 318 Linguistics: Thematic Analysis 2 (3.34) PM ED 319, PM ED 321, PM ED 323
ED 322 Semiotics 3 (5.01) PM ED 319, PM ED 321, PM ED 323
MK Pilihan 1 (Elective Course 1) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 16 (26.72)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 401 Translation: Style (Indonesian-English Translation) 2 (3.34) ED 335
SB 301 History of Modern Thought 2 (3.34) PM SB 203
MK 052 Komputer (Computer) 2 (3.34)
MK 061 Etika (Ethics) 2 (3.34)
ED 420 Proposal Seminar Linguistik (Linguistic Seminar Proposal) 4 (6.68) ED 310, PM ED 317, PM ED 319, PM ED 321, PM ED 323, PM ED 316, PM ED 318, PM ED 322
MK Pilihan 2 (Elective Course 2) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 14 (23.38)
Kode/ Code Mata Kuliah/Course SKS/Credit (ECTS) Prasyarat/ Prerequisite
ED 402 Interpreting 2 (3.34) ED 302, ED 401
TA 420 Skripsi (Linguistik) (Major Thesis Linguistics) 6 (10.02) ED 420, English subjects sem I-VI except ED 320
TA 220 Tugas Akhir (Linguistik) (Minor Thesis Linguistics) 4 (6.68) ED 420, English subjects sem I-V
ED425 Discussion on Linguistic Issues 2 (3.34) ED420
MK Pilihan 3 (Elective Course 3) 2 (3.34)
Total SKS/Total Credit 10 (16.7)