Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya UK Maranatha

Diploma-III Programme in Chinese

“Practical Mandarin for Teaching, Business and Tourism”

The Diploma-III Programme in Chinese is a vocational program that aims to produce graduates who are ready to enter the job world armed with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Mandarin with the New HSK level 4 standard, and special expertise in the field of Mandarin for teaching , business and tourism.



To become a trusted Mandarin study program in Indonesia in the 21st century in the fields of teaching, tourism and business, with an emphasis on independence, excellence, creativity and professionalism based on the love and example of Jesus Christ.


  1. Producing excellent, independent, creative, professional and trustworthy graduates in Indonesia in the fields of teaching, tourism and business, based on Christian values.
  2. Play an active role in the development of Mandarin in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung, through teaching, research and community service.
  3. Establishing collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions.
  4. Improving the quality of human resources.


Academic Activities

The Diploma-III Program in Chinese curriculum is designed to be comprehensive, integrative and continuous between courses, consisting of the following groups of courses:

  • Language skill courses
  • Teaching field courses
  • Business field courses
  • Tourism field courses
  • Economics field courses
  • Chinese culture courses
  • General courses

Class activities are complemented by various student activities to equip students with soft skills. Apart from that, there are also field trip and study tour activities at home and abroad to introduce local and foreign cultures to students, which will later be useful when graduates enter the world of business and tourism.

The Diploma-III Programme in Chinese has a "3+1" program and collaborates with several well-known universities in China. Through the "3+1" program, graduates can immediately continue their studies at the Bachelor's level in just 1 year at Hebei Normal University, China


Future and Career

Graduates have practical Mandarin language skills, and are targeted to have a HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) level 4 certificate or a BCT (Business Chinese Test) level 4 certificate, so they can work in any field that requires this competency, such as:

  • Chinese language tutor
  • Tour guide
  • Tour leader
  • Tour planner
  • Interpreter/Translator
  • Secretary
  • Public relations
  • Front officer
  • Marketing staff at import-export companies (China/Taiwan)
  • Entrepreneur (in education, business and tourism)